United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Shining Light in the Midst of Darkness
Conflict in any workplace is unavoidable, and it's critical that you have an arsenal of management strategies at the ready to resolve disputes and reach agreements quickly and effectively. This course offers personalized approaches and tools to help you face discord with a positive and constructive approach.
Before the course, you and your colleagues will complete assessments that will be used to help you examine the impact of your behavior during conflict situations in the workplace.
Exercises, small group discussion and personal reflection will be used to enhance your self-awareness as you identify your preferred conflict style. The course will culminate in an exercise that allows you to study your own work experiences and determine effective alternative approaches to constructively handling conflicts in a leadership context.
Small Running Title
Conflict Management
Leveraging Diversity
Team Building
Small Running Title
3 days
How You Will Benefit
Assess your behavior in conflict situations and explore how it impacts others
Understand your styles of handling conflicts and learn how those styles can help or hinder your ability to lead effectively
Develop useful personalized strategies for engaging in constructive conflicts
Use real-life situations of conflict situations and how it impacts others
Use assessments to develop useful personalized strategies for engaging in constructive conflicts
Who Should Attend
SES members, GS-14s/15s and their equivalents in local, state and international governments