United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Shining Light in the Midst of Darkness

Drawing on lessons from companies that have executed major transitions successfully, you will expand your ability to diagnose what is not working or could be working better at your company, overcome inertia, and revitalize the organization and its culture to move in a bold new direction. In the process, you will acquire practical tools and approaches that will help you execute corporate transformation successfully.
Redesigning & Executing Corporate Strategy to Give Your Organization a New Direction towards Achieving Desired Outcome
New trends in global turbulences have putted business leaders on alert regarding their respective growth. Business leaders are now seeking a new path to drive their companies to the path of success. But while many enterprises talk about transforming themselves around current trends such as digitization and remote work, most struggle when it comes to actually executing a transformation.
Has new trends drove your company at an inflection point? How are you will to proceed in order to prevent business collapse? Will your business be held back by old ways of thinking or is it willing to embrace new frontiers? Will your company be static and hesitant in the face of a changing environment or is it agile and willing to transform?
Within the scope of this program, you will be given the power to explore the multiple dimensions of corporate revitalization, including strategy, finance, organization, culture, and the leader's role. Whether your company seeks to maximize and fulfill its potential or requires radical intervention, you will develop and strengthen your ability to address major corporate challenges proactively, make the right strategic moves, and lead a revitalization effort that establishes a firm foundation for growth.
Program Details
Set a new strategic direction for your organization
Determine root causes of challenges
Identify new opportunities
Proactively evaluate the range of strategic options and choose the best path
Implement your chosen strategy
Know when and how to take advantage of financial restructuring and private equity
Overcome inertia and pivot the organization
Create plans for addressing current and prospective obstacles
Infuse the organization with a sense of purpose
Leverage the company's culture to support your strategy and boost agility
Lead your executive team and workforce through challenging and uncertain times
Strengthen the leadership skills necessary to spearhead corporate revitalization
Expand your personal and professional network
Extend your network by living and working with accomplished executives from various backgrounds, industries, and countries around the globe
Build relationships with a diverse group of peers who can provide wide-ranging insights into your business challenges and career decisions
Who Should Attend
Senior corporate executives from companies of any size in any industry or country who have significant strategic decision-making responsibility, including CEOs, CFOs, other C-suite executives, division heads, business unit heads, and leaders/senior contributors on strategy teams, as well as general counsels or board members who provide strategic input
Partners in private equity firms that specialize in corporate revitalization
Senior strategy consultants who advise companies on strategic options, turnarounds, and corporate transformations
Senior leaders in financial services firms, law firms, investment banks, strategic communication firms, or other professional service organizations that work with clients on major corporate transformations
This program welcomes individuals or teams. Attendance by multiple members of your leadership team will foster collaboration and amplify the program's impact.