United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Shining Light in the Midst of Darkness

The Art of Political Leadership - Empowering Great Leaders of a Great Purpose
The USILD Program of "Great Leader for a Great Purpose" focuses on advancing for an achievement of divine purpose on the planet earth. As a division of the Orpe Human Rights Advocates (ORPE), USILD has mandate of executing one of the OHRA's missions designed to equip and empower the next generation of transformational leaders. These leaders are expected to be divine-driven, wise enough and strong enough to advocate and implement policies deemed to promote the spirit of peace, liberty and justice, and transform organizations, communities, nations, and our world for the benefits of peoples.
Training methods are deemed role-play and cases studies. Participants will be trained on fundamentals of divine learning and will be imparted with skills expected to put him/her in a position of a self-mastery with the ability to connected himself with divine energy. Participants will be trained and master the principal tools the art of advocacy and persuasion, the techniques of the art of debating and speaking with purpose. Program is designed to equip participant with emotional intelligence tools to enable with him/her become a great negotiator and diplomat, a master of the art of speaking with purpose, a great change-maker, and a motivator and inspirer of hope that positively affect the minds of the followers or constituencies.
After completion of the respective modules bellow and successfully pass the required exams, participants will be granted a Credential of Master of in the Art of Political Leadership".
What the credential of political leadership stands for? There are many types of leaders in society, including community leaders, religious leaders, and business leaders. Leaders emerge in sports, medicine, academia, science, and the arts and in all social and cultural aspects of life. Like political leaders, these individuals can exercise power and influence over large groups, and often do so for longer periods of time than political leaders. However, in practice, political leadership is broader than any other field. A political leader is expected to be able to manage vast issue areas from foreign affairs to public health, from economic development to social well-being, from culture, art and sports to education and training. Political leaders are expected to run organizations that can compete in elections (political parties) and deliver key services to citizens effectively (through government departments and agencies); to meet the immediate collective needs of society and paint a vision for the future; and to build a strong economy and manage public funds. The demands and expectations placed on political leaders, therefore, frequently exceed those for leaders in any other domain of society. The process of political leadership is circular and constant. Political leaders continuously move in a cycle of problem-solving and motivation, and endeavor to pull the support and participation of citizens into that energy.