United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Shining Light in the Midst of Darkness
The Art of Advocacy

This program is tailored for mixed purposes. It is intended for lawyers, but also intended for the leaders or aspiring leaders who interested in becoming persuasive before their respective constituencies. It does provide skills through the trial process, focusing on the practice of techniques and strategies for each stage of the trial process - pretrial, trial, and post-trial motions; jury selection; opening statements; direct and cross-examinations; and closing arguments. The program also focuses on explaining how to use the various techniques in an actual case, detailed guidance on the effective use of expert witnesses, and practical direction on the incorporation of exhibits and demonstrative evidence into case presentations. The program emphasis on basic principles of effective communication and persuasion, including the importance of the advocate's credibility and examples of how to develop case presentations that maximize the persuasive impact on judges and juries. The program also take into consideration the Rules of Evidence. Participants will be empowered with:
1) Constructing a Winning Case Story / or Argument
A powerful story wins the case. Told effectively, a story can grab the attention of jurors and judges in a matter of minutes and keep them engaged throughout the trial. This program shows debater leaders, and/or attorneys of all levels of experience how to build a case story with persuasive power. Lawyers learn powerful techniques for activating the visual mind of the jurors - getting them to “see” the story in their imagination - thus leading them to draw their own conclusions that are consistent with your case theme.
2) Speaking with Confidence
In an era when attention spans are shorter and patience is limited, a lawyer still must make a lasting impact. Credibility is earned over time, but an impression of credibility must be established in a matter of minutes. In this seminar, lawyers will learn the techniques that separate an average litigator from a dynamic one: command of space, use of voice, and management of time. Attorneys will learn how they can use vocal inflection and body language to give arguments meaning and create a lasting impression on jurors.
3) Focus Areas:
Openings and Closings/Witness Examinations
Focus on speaking like a person, not a lawyer
Tell the complete story: beginning, middle, and end
Share that story with the jury through eye contact
Make the jurors an active part of the trial
Establish relationships between yourself, witnesses, and jurors
Learn how to get the jury to see the witness from your point of view
4) Recognizes how the rapid development of technology and its use in the courtroom has changed the way trials are conducted and the way lawyers present evidence and argue to the jury.
Practice the use of technology in the courtroom.
Includes materials describing the technology now available to trial lawyers as they prepare and present evidence; and
Provides "Tech Tips" on how technology might be used to enhance advocacy at various points of the trial.
Also included with the program are on-line resources to assist the aspiring or less experienced trial advocate.