United States Institute of Leadership and Diplomacy
Shining Light in the Midst of Darkness

Getting Ready for a Corporate Director Duty
Through interactive lectures and global case studies, this program will delve into board issues that apply to organizations from any industry or geography. In addition, during an evening panel discussion, a group of experienced executives will share how they have leveraged board service in their career strategy.
Participants should expect to spend at least 9-12 hours on self-paced case preparation prior to attending the program. Case materials will be made available approximately two weeks prior to program start.
Key Topics
Fundamentals of corporate governance
Examining the role and purpose of a corporate board
Understanding fiduciary and legal duties of the board
Reviewing the different types and structures of corporate boards
Recognizing how the role of a director differs from that of a corporate executive
Analyzing how board roles vary in companies at different stages of their life cycle, and in public versus private companies
Key Responsibilities for board directors
Overseeing corporate strategy and assigning strategic tasks to management teams
Managing CEO selection, succession, and compensation
Guiding mergers, acquisitions, and other corporate control events
Overseeing the renewal and evolution of roles on a board
Monitoring financial reporting and risk management functions
Group dynamics on a corporate board
Working in a position where authority is shared by multiple individuals
Succeeding as an influencer while operating as an outsider with part-time responsibilities
Collaborating effectively with highly accomplished peers
Transitioning from serving as an executive to serving as a board director
Influence of board committees
Overseeing financial reporting on the audit committee
Managing executive compensation on the compensation committee
Shaping or changing corporate culture
Managing risk in the corporation
Helping shape succession
Opportunities on corporate boards
Comparing how board seats differ on private boards versus public boards
Realistically assessing the duties and time involved in board membership
Weighing the pros and cons of joining a board during retirement versus earlier in a career
Evaluating board invitations and other prospective opportunities
Helping shape Succession
CEO succession
Executive succession
Board successions: chair successions; committee chair successions
Helping advance governance
Board review
Board development
Board advisory: build advisory board; sustainability board advisory